How to get a SIM card slot. How to insert or remove a SIM card from Apple devices: step-by-step instructions and tips for owners

Dmitry Marishin

It is known that the iPhone is unique in each of its models, and of course, it was he who was the first to use the method of installing a SIM card for mobile devices through a retractable connector, which is not easy to open on your own, without the proper tools.

Where is the SIM card located on the iPhone?

First, let's compare the location of the SIM card on different types of housing.

Opening the SIM card slot on the iPhone

Your phone should come with a special tool. It is called an iskrepka and looks like a regular paper clip.

  • Determine where the SIM tray is located.

  • Use a paperclip by inserting it into the hole in the tray and applying gentle pressure.

  • Once pressed, the SIM slot will open itself and you can remove it.

Now you can install your first SIM card or replace the old one with a new one. Then return the tray to the phone.

How to get a SIM card without a paperclip?

Of course, this happens; the included paperclip gets lost and cannot be found exactly at the moment when it is needed. Here are some tips on what you can use to replace this special tool, as well as how best not to try to open the SIM card slot.

  • First, you can ask your friend for help. Perhaps your loved ones also own an iPhone or other smartphone with a SIM card slot similar to yours, which means they may well have the necessary tool.
  • If you are sure that your paperclip is irretrievably lost, then you can purchase.

  • You can use a regular paper clip. The main thing is that its thickness does not exceed the diameter of the tray inlet.
  • As a last resort, you can use sharp objects such as pins and needles.

What items are not suitable for opening the SIM card slot?

The answer to this question is simple. Just don't use items that don't fit the diameter of the SIM tray opening. But nevertheless, people try to use objects that are sometimes dangerous for the iPhone, which can damage its case.

  • Stationery knife;
  • Staples from a stapler;
  • Ballpoint pen;

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The SIM slots in each phone are different. In some places there are auxiliary elements for removing the SIM card, but in others it is quite difficult to do this. However, owners of complex smartphones have already learned how to operate them using improvised means.

In the iPhone you will not find the usual SIM card slot, as in Androids. The manufacturer even includes a special paperclip with the kit, a key for opening the slot, which is most often located on the side (iphone 5). However, it may happen that the key is not included in the set. The first generations of Apple phones were produced without such an auxiliary tool at all, for example the iPhone S. Let's look at what a paper clip is for removing a SIM card, and how to remove a SIM card from an iPhone 4 (5.6) and how to insert a SIM card into the phone.

If you use improvised means incorrectly, you can cause serious damage, then the problem will be more serious than just “how to get a SIM card out of an iPhone.” Therefore, before you figure out how to open the slot with a paperclip and how to remove the SIM, try to find a special device that should come with your smartphone. Take out the factory box, perhaps it went unnoticed there when you unpacked the phone.

When you have found the key, follow the following strategy:

  1. Turn off your device. To do this, you need to press the power button, which is located at the top of the iPhone, and hold it for a while. You will see the message “Turn off” on the display. You need to scroll your finger across the inscription from left to right, and the device will turn off.
  2. Be sure to turn off the device before removing the SIM. If you do this while it is turned on, over time the phone will begin to glitch and freeze, since you are creating a system malfunction with such an action.
  3. After completing the work, find the SIM card slot on the side or top (depending on the iPhone generation).
  4. There is a small hole on the slot. You need to insert a special key into this hole, and the SIM card slot can be easily removed. Ready!

What to do if the SIM card is stuck

It often happens that the SIM card is stuck in the iPhone 6 and the slot does not open all the way. If this happens, do not despair and immediately take the device to a service center. You can solve this problem yourself at home.

So, how can a SIM get stuck? You insert the key, open the slot, try to pull out the slot along with the SIM, but you can’t do it because, for example, it is bent and creates an obstacle. How to remove the SIM card?

We fix problems

To fix problems, you will need a thin but tough plastic sheeting. You can find this one right in the iPhone box (the cords are wrapped in it).

  1. We take the device out of the box.
  2. Cut a small piece out of it so that there is an acute angle.
  3. We push the plate with a sharp angle into the open SIM card tray until it pries off the card.
  4. We hold the plate and the socket, pull it towards us and take out the tray, we figure out how to install the SIM card ourselves.

We take out the SIM with a paper clip

If there was no key in the kit. Or you accidentally lost it, don’t be upset. This tool can be quite effectively and safely replaced with an ordinary paper clip.

To get a card with this stationery item, follow these steps:

  1. Take a paperclip and straighten one end.
  2. Locate the SIM slot on your iPhone and the hole next to it.
  3. Carefully insert the end of the paperclip directly into the hole and apply light pressure. You cannot use brute force, otherwise you can simply break the phone.
  4. When pressed, the slot opens automatically. Now you can pull it towards you and pull it out, or insert the SIM into the iPhone if the slot was empty. If you are wondering how to insert a nano SIM correctly, then you can simply cut it out from a regular SIM card. In general, almost all sims are now made with threads for micro and nano, that is, there is a frame from which you simply squeeze.

A few items you can use if you don't have a paper clip

You don't have a paper clip at home and you lost your iPhone key? No problem, don’t panic and run to the store for paper clips. You can use other items as an alternative. Here are the most common of them:

  • Stapler staple. It can also be found in notebooks or notepads, as manufacturers staple the sheets together with them.
  • Needle. An iPhone needle can be dangerous if you are not careful. The main thing is not to use needles that are too thin; there is a risk that they will bend inside the phone and break, leaving one end in the hole. It is most convenient to use a safety pin (a needle with a tip).
  • Toothpick. Even though the device is made of wood, it can help you just as well as a paper clip. The main thing is not to break the tip or leave it inside the hole.


This is how you can easily and simply insert a SIM card into your iPhone without a key if you decide to change the SIM, or simply remove the card tray. Using your imagination, you can solve any problems with your smartphone, but do not overdo it to the detriment of the device.

Video instruction

Seems like a simple action insert sim card, but for beginners this is a real mystery! Let's try to solve it together.

We are used to the fact that in regular phones/smartphones the SIM card slot is located under the battery, but in the iPhone everything is completely different, which is why many people face this problem.

Where to insert a SIM card into an iPhone

To insert a card, you first need to find the place where to install it!

IN iPhone 5S- This is the right side panel. IN older iPhones– the slot is located on top, not far from the button "turn on".

SIM card slot - right, side panel of iPhone 5s

But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. First problem is how to open this slot.

To do this, we will need a special key/paperclip, which should come with our smartphones, but, unfortunately, some iPhone 5S simply do not have this paperclip/key!

For example, my iPhone 5S from the USA did not have it included, and accordingly, for a beginner who has never used an Apple device, it becomes more difficult to understand the process of installing a SIM card since the necessary parts/tools to open the cell are missing.

Second problem, arises with the size of the sim itself. In the latest generation devices, for example iPhone 5S, this is nano sim, it is almost 3 times smaller than regular cards.

But don’t be upset right away, all these problems can be quickly resolved.

Solving problems installing a SIM card in an iPhone

The first problem is easily solved. We just need to take an ordinary paperclip and bend it into the shape of a key, as shown in the photo above.

If you already had other Apple devices, then the key for them will also be suitable for your new iPhone.

The second problem can be solved just as easily. All we have to do is contact a mobile phone store and ask to update your old SIM card or buy a new one! But don't forget what you need nano sim, and accordingly, to avoid problems, it is better to take your phone with you!

Some craftsmen can cut a standard SIM card to nano size using a special stapler, stencil or regular scissors. But if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to use the first method!

Well, it looks like we have everything to install:

  • Key
  • Nano sim card

Insert the SIM card into the iPhone

We take our key/paperclip, insert it into the little thing that is located next to the slot, in the case of the iPhone 5S it is on the right side of the device, and carefully push it deep into it.

Insert the SIM card into the iPhone - step 1

After this, the SIM card slot should open. We just need to take it out and insert our nano sim there.

Insert a SIM card into the iPhone - step 2 Insert a SIM card into the iPhone - step 2
Insert the SIM card into the iPhone - step 2

We then return the slot and gently press it back into the phone.

That's all!

If you still don’t understand, I advise you to pay attention to the video of this process, it is located below.

Video of installing a SIM card in an iPhone

Articles and Lifehacks

If you suddenly want to change your iPhone to another phone, but keep the information on your SIM card, then carefulness and a simple paperclip or a special key that comes with the iPhone will help you remove the SIM card from the iPhone at home.

Standard extraction method

  1. Turn off your gadget. To do this, press the power button located at the top for several seconds. “Slide to power off” or “Turn off” will appear on the screen.
  2. Swipe across this text from left to right. Your device is now turned off.
  3. Find the SIM port on the top or side (depending on the model). In models 4, 4S, 5, 6 and 6 Plus it is located on the side of the body. In earlier ones - at the top of the iPhone, next to the power button.
  4. Usually the kit comes with a key that allows access to the SIM card. Simply insert it into the small hole on the SIM port and remove the SIM card.
  5. After removing the SIM card, do not forget to insert the slot back into place.

Removing a SIM card without a key

  • If such a special key was not included in the kit, then a regular paper clip will help you. Straighten it and, acting like a key, insert it into the hole next to the SIM port.
  • Under no circumstances should you use a needle: there is a risk of ruining the system for fixing the SIM card slot in the iPhone. Some people use a dental probe or a thin awl for the same purpose.
  • Be extremely careful when using these popular methods of removing a SIM card from an iPhone: the slot may get stuck.
  • If the SIM card is still stuck, then do not rush to the iPhone service center: you can even fix this error at home using a film from folders or a model knife.
  • Carefully insert them into the hole between the iPhone body and the SIM port on the side of the phone screen and pull the plate, lightly pressing the SIM card slot against the screen.

The world-famous smartphones iPhone 5s and its other variations are incredibly easy to use. Each original iPhone is distinguished by high quality, a huge number of features and a variety of functions. Despite this, the happy owners of iPhones who picked it up for the first time and are preparing to use it are confused by the very first question, namely, “How to correctly insert a SIM card into your new iPhone?” In fact, this operation does not involve anything complicated; you just need to perform some steps sequentially. Which ones exactly? We will talk about this further.

Preparing to use your smartphone for the first time

To insert a SIM card into a new iPhone 5s or some other model, the subscriber must first prepare the phone for first use:

  1. First of all, you need to be one hundred percent sure that the iPhone is not blocked due to a change in mobile operator. A huge number of iPhones are blocked by a certain mobile operator. If you want to switch to another cellular operator, you will need to unlock the SIM slot in your own iPhone.
  2. There are a significant number of iPhones that have absolutely no locking whatsoever.
  3. If the iPhone is still blocked to a certain network, it needs to be unlocked.

We select a SIM card and insert it into the phone

To successfully insert your SIM card into the new iPhone 5s or its other configurations, the subscriber must clearly and consistently follow the following steps:

If you very carefully, clearly and consistently follow the described steps, the operation considered will end in success, and you will immediately be able to use your brand new smartphone.