Pen pal prank options. Pen pal prank options OnePlus releases energy drink

Let us immediately note that the options for how to prank a friend in VK by correspondence are quite complex from the point of view of their technical implementation. Although everything can be done, the most important thing here is to follow the clear rules and advice that are given in this material regarding each draw.

Remember that it is not so important whether you are playing a real or virtual friend. April 1 is a day of laughter and fun, this is how it should be not only for the person who organizes the prank, but also for the one who is the object of this action. If a friend, even after a very successful (in your opinion) prank, harbors a grudge, is upset or shows another negative reaction, then it is your fault and we can say that the prank was definitely not a success. Other options, .

In this material, we have collected options on how to prank a friend in VK by correspondence on April 1, so that everything ends peacefully and amicably. If everything is done correctly and this is how you approach organizing the draw, then everyone’s mood will only lift and there will be pleasant, sincere smiles on their faces.

Change page code

This is one of the most effective ways to prank, but you will have to try to change the content of the page code and then save it as an image. The process, especially for a beginner, will be quite complicated, so let’s consider all its stages in order:

You will need to click on the object that you want to change on the page. It could even be the person's name on their social media page. Then you need to click “Examine element code” (usually, you can click this if you open the menu by right-clicking on a specific area of ​​the screen).
Now you will need to use a web development tool to replace the old name with the new one. To do this, click on the selected item and then open it.
Using this method, you can change any value on the selected page, so here the draw can only be limited by your imagination.
We advise you to come up with some kind of change option so that your friend will not immediately think that this is a prank. To change the selected value, you just need to press the Enter key twice.
After this, you will need to press the F12 key, which takes a screenshot. After that, save the drawing.
Now you should go to the graphics editor program and open the image. Next, using the right mouse button, select the “Insert” program on the workspace.
All that remains is to save the picture and send it to a friend. At first, of course, he will be scared by the joke, but when you tell him what the matter is and where the dog is buried, he will have a great laugh.

With a celebrity

Again, if you want to find a great way to prank a friend in VK by correspondence on April 1, then you can use the following scheme. You will need to register a fake account on the selected social network on behalf of some famous person. Of course, here it is worth choosing exactly the kind of person that your friend either loves very much or simply cannot stand.

Next, you will need to go to your friend’s page on a social network and send a message on behalf of the celebrity. We immediately need to remind you that the holiday ahead is April 1 - April Fool's Day. So, the message should be sweet and kind, and should not scare the person. Next, click the send button and watch how quickly your friend reads the message. After this, of course, you need to wait for the reaction of your comrade himself. Perhaps he will enter into correspondence with a person, then it needs to be supported. But, again, you shouldn’t play with another person’s feelings for too long: it won’t lead to anything good.

Change information

To scare a friend virtually, you can organize this extremely easy-to-implement prank. Here, however, you will have to set yourself up a little, but the reaction of fun and laughter on the day of the holiday is, of course, worth it. You will need to change the information on your page. Let's say you write that you are in love with a friend's sister or something else that will hurt your friend's feelings (but, of course, within reason). You can do it for a holiday.

All you have to do is wait for your friend to react to the joke and start writing to you. There is no need to drag out the situation here, and so that everyone can have fun in the end, you need to immediately admit that everything you did was just a prank in honor of April 1st.

Replacing a picture

Let's move on to the matter of how to prank a friend in VK by correspondence from April 1 in order to succeed. Again, we again consider various pranks in terms of how they will be implemented on the social network. By the way, this joke turns out funnier with girls than with male comrades.

You will need to go to a friend’s page, press the left mouse button so that the recording window appears. Next, click “Attach” from this menu. A window will open from which you will need to select the photo you want to attach. Upload a photo of puppies or kittens.

Next, click “Open” and the “Submit” button. When the entry is delivered to the recipient, you should wait for your friend’s comment. After this, you will need to click the “edit” button and replace this kind and sweet picture with something unpleasant. As a result, it turns out that a friend commented sweetly and kindly on some scary and negative picture. Which ones can be carried out?

Congratulations on April 1st

In addition, to arrange a prank on April Fool's Day, you can simply congratulate a dear person on this holiday. Here everything is done extremely simply and clearly. You will need to go to your friend’s page and click the “Send a gift” button. Then you select the gift you like best, and in the open window you need to write a congratulatory message, which you then send along with the gift.

How can you harm others on

It happens that you want to harm someone and ruin their reputation on a social network. Here we will not talk about the fact that revenge is not the best way to solve problems. I just want to emphasize that perhaps the cunning plan should be carried out on April 1 so that he does not seem very evil.

You will need to post a photograph of a person online that shows him not in his best condition. Harming a person is not the best principle for resolving conflicts, but insolent people love this principle and actively use it.

What else can you do to cause harm on a social network:
You can easily change the language by inserting /?lang=number after the site name and replacing this number with another. Next, you should send the link to a friend with words like: “Oh, what interesting things I found.” If a person follows this link, the language of his page on the social network will change automatically.
If you send a link with the address of a social network, where settings.php?m=3 will then go, then the person will receive a request to enter a new password. Although, this is just a hoax and the password will actually remain the same, you just need to exit the program.

How to prank a friend in VK by correspondence was laid out on all the shelves in this material. We urge you to be prudent and not to make such pranks, for which you may later be ashamed or which may lead to bad consequences. April Fool's Day should be spent in a cheerful and high spirits, and this applies to every person. Even the one you are directing your prank at.

Every year, large and small companies celebrate April Fool's Day on April 1, when everyone tries to prank each other. By tradition, we have collected the best jokes from major sites and companies in a separate article. Last year's selection can be found.

Alfa-Bank on Nokia 3310

Alfa-Bank was one of the first to open the prank season and put a lot of effort into its joke. A special section for . has appeared on the bank's official website. It is noteworthy that many media outlets wrote about this in a serious manner, as if it really makes sense for a large bank to release an application on a dialer with the Series 30+ operating system.

Browser from WarGaming

The World of Tanks developers approached April 1 with creativity. They released a video about a browser game with a famous former YouTube blogger under the nickname “Murazor”. As you know, at some point he went to work for WarGaming and took up balance, which was such a big deal for him in World of Tanks. In the browser game “Man-Balance” there are no imbecile tanks and the result depends only on the player’s skill. You can play.

Helicopters and modern tanks in War Thunder

Studio Gaijin released a video that many will not even perceive as a joke. The video talks about the imminent appearance of helicopters and modern tanks in War Thunder. As they say, there is a grain of humor in every joke. Most likely, such equipment will actually enter the “tundra,” but not soon. For now, the developers are still preparing to launch water battles.

Smart flash drive from NVIDIA

NVIDIA has shown a fun accessory - a USB flash drive with artificial intelligence that can replace you in games. Has a courier arrived with food or do you need to go to the toilet? - No problem, insert GeForce GTX G-Assist into your computer and it will replace you for a couple of minutes. The design of the accessory is in the style of the new NVIDIA video cards. It's funny, but I wouldn't be surprised if there will soon be bots that are so smart that they can play even the most complex shooters or strategy games for you.

Google Data Center on Mars

While Elon Musk is only testing rockets to fly to Mars, Google is already opening its data center there. The structure, called Ziggy Stardust, will be located in Gale Crater, and construction is expected to be completed by 2018. Soon your searches and files will be stored right on Mars. Data center even marked on Google maps.

PacMan on Google Maps

“Good, Inc.” doesn’t skimp on April Fool’s jokes. In addition to the Mars data center, Google launched the PacMan game on its maps. To play this classic game on the streets of your city, you just need to launch the official Google Maps application and click on the special button on the right.

VKontakte returned 2007

Stories in Sberbank Online

Sberbank believes that money transactions need to be made a little more social, so Stories will appear - like on Instagram.

Honda and Emoji

Car and motorcycle manufacturer Honda has decided to pair Emoji emoticons with its cars. The Japanese decided that it was enough to be content with a regular car horn - they needed to add some sounds and link them to emoticons. Each Emoji on the steering wheel has a unique signal that matches the mood of the emoji.

Lexus clears the lane

Another automotive giant, Lexus, has released a video about a much-desired smart feature. According to the video, the upcoming Lexus LC, due in 2018, will be able to send a signal to the car ahead to clear its lane. Finally, there is a remedy for slow drivers.

OnePlus releases energy drink

Chinese manufacturer OnePlus is proud of its Dash Charge fast charging technology. The company wants to energize not only smartphones, but also their owners. To achieve this, OdinPlus produces its own energy drink from the Dash Charge series.

The essence of the holiday is April Fool's Day, which in our country is traditionally celebrated unofficially on April 1 to make other people laugh. Therefore, the question of how to prank your friends on April 1 is relevant. After all, it’s not always possible to see everyone in person on this particular day, but you still want to be smart and come up with something interesting for your friends.

If you have to prank a friend by correspondence on the first of April, then do not despair. Because great pranks have been invented for social networks that even the most prim friend or acquaintance will believe in; of course, their organization must be approached carefully and wisely. More options .

Important! Separately, you need to pay attention to the fact that jokes should in no case be offensive or hurt a person’s personal feelings. There is no need to hit where it hurts, because on April Fool's Day everyone should have fun in the end, and not just the person performing the prank.

Ways to play an original prank on a friend in VK by correspondence

The simplest, most harmless and at the same time prank that will make you worry is to change the page egg on a social network. To contact you, you will just need to send or even put a message on the wall with the following content - Here the number will be the language code, for example, 0 is Russian, and 1 is English. Don’t limit your imagination: choose any number up to 9. If a person decides to follow the link, then the language of the social network page will suddenly change.

Interesting! Today on the Internet, by April 1, you can find many specialized sites where specialists and programmers share secrets and interesting findings on how to change the functions of a social network, the page of a particular person, and play a prank on him.

If it is possible to get on a person’s page on social networks, then, as they say, my hands will be free. Because you can hide or open various blocks of information, change your marital status, or set some kind of original status.

Even more for a fun company.

Alternatively, you can simply send funny pictures or videos on VKontakte - in private messages or directly to the wall. But, do this in such a way that throughout the day there will be a lot of such messages and your friend will not understand whether this is a spam attack or whether such vigorous activity from you happened for another reason.

If we really take this issue seriously, we will have to do some preliminary work. You need to create many non-existent pages on a social network on behalf of other people, and then on April Fool’s Day start sending a large number of messages to your friend from these accounts. Try to keep the content of the messages mysterious, but at the same time funny and not offensive.

April 1 is a great occasion to cheer up and surprise your online audience. This is successfully used by large websites, bloggers, authors of communities on social networks, and social networks themselves. On this day, the Internet scares you with strange and sensational news and wonderful events.

Do you remember one of the bright jokes of past years - the opportunity to surprise Google Chrome users by installing an extension for them that changes all the pictures in the photograph of the singer Igor Nikolaev?

Another reason for brands to remind themselves

This day is not only suitable for jokes: many brands use April 1 as an occasion to draw attention to their product and . The children's clothing manufacturer Kogankids offered a super-pacifier raffle on its Instagram page. To do this, you had to be a subscriber to the group, repost a photo with two kids and accompany it with a hashtag. A random number generator identified two lucky gift winners.

Some people use this day to show off their products in an unexpected way.

However, not only group authors and social network moderators like to joke on this day. Surprises are often presented by social networks themselves.

Let's remember some interesting activities and pranks on the part of popular social networks, so that we can be prepared and not make mistakes in the face of possible April Fools' jokes on their part.

Total ban

Once, on April 1, Roskomnadzor came out with not just a threat, but a real intention to ban all social networks. Then the comic nature of the news was quickly revealed, but today we would not rush to attribute this news to April Fools, remembering the recent decision of this authority to close LinkedIn. Then millions of users had to search .

How Odnoklassniki and Facebook merged

Several years ago, the VKontakte subsidiary group Live made a statement on April 1 that competition with VKontakte would now increase significantly. The reason for this was the merger of Facebook and the Odnoklassniki network. The combined network was called “Onebook”.

The informational draw was even supplemented with details. It was stated that it became possible to put animation in place of the main photo, automatically play pre-selected songs when entering your profile, control the font size and color, and more.

April Fool's jokes from Facebook

The same Facebook, five years ago, on April 1, puzzled the audience of its users with the news that the site was becoming paid.

A few years later, when issuing shares, Facebook announced the need to protect users’ personal information, which they planned to make publicly available immediately after the start of trading on the stock exchange. The threatening news received wide public response.

"Ducks" on a global scale

Other social networks also like to pick up jokes on a grand scale. Photoshopped photos of the terrible aftermath of Hurricane Sandy instantly went viral. Facebook and Twitter users were horrified by photos of the Statue of Liberty covered by a hurricane, sharks on the streets of New York and flooded subway stations.

Unfunny hashtags

Sometimes jokes are not funny at all. Thousands of girls from all over the world were scared by the April Fool's hashtag #baldforbieber, announcing Justin Bieber's cancer diagnosis.

Some fans began to shave their hair off their heads to support their idol. The joke was definitely no longer funny.

Happy birthday, Nichosi!

It was on the eve of the Day of Humor that the social network VKontakte began to use the character of the popular meme “Nichoshi”. It could be seen in the right corner of the screen every time you clicked “like” under the post. The character became the object of many photoshopped images: he was given a Hitler mustache and made the head of a terrorist gang.

Time for a good joke

Don't wait for social media to try to make fun of you. Do it early with your subscribers. Today there are more than enough tools for this: , video stories, embedded posts, , tons of social media apps, amazing filters and much more.

And auto-posting will help you schedule your humorous posts, with which you will significantly save time and reach the entire audience of your social networks.